The operation of public administration in Poland during Covid-19 - rules for suspending administrative proceedings regarding receivables due to the return of funds allocated for the implementation of programs financed with European funds

Aleksandra Klich

Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


In the article, the author points out that the COVID-19 situation has affected the beneficiaries of European funds. In the EU financial perspective 2014-2020, there are numerous national operational programs in Poland, including e.g. 16 regional operational programs implemented at the voivodeship level (ROP). The aim of the study is an attempt to determine the permissible scope of the operating capacity of public administration bodies conducting the so-called COVID-19 return proceedings against beneficiaries of EU funds, in particular regards to the possibility of suspending or extending the time limits provided for by law for performing specific activities. The author pays attention to the dynamism of the legislator’s work in this regard, in particular by analysing the provisions of the COVID-19 Act (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1842) with the provisions of the so-called special fund act (Journal of Laws 2020, item 694), which was meant to ensure smooth implementation and settlement of projects. The author of the theoretical and legal considerations based the results from the experiences while cooperating with the ROP managing authority and data from 8 voivodeships implementing ROPs.


administrative proceedings, suspension of proceedings, EU funds, regional operational program, COVID-19

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Klich, A. (2021). Przebieg i zawieszanie postępowań administracyjnych prowadzonych wobec beneficjentów środków przeznaczonych na realizację programów finansowanych z udziałem środków europejskich w dobie COVID-19 w Polsce. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 61–79.

Aleksandra Klich
Uniwersytet Szczeciński


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