Ewelina Cała-Wacinkiewicz

Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that “inscribing” adjudicating bod­ies in cases involving international law of human rights into the universal interna­tional law is so strong, that it makes it scientifically necessary to reject assertions advocating full autonomy (independence) of judicial bodies in international law.

The above finding does not, however, constitute an end in itself. The antic­ipating inscription of adjudicating bodies of international law of human rights into international law will make it possible to prove the existence of the influ­ence (impact) of humanization of international law over the international legal order. The culmination of research in this regard will involve confirmation of the research hypothesis according to which bodies adjudicating in cases involv­ing international law of human rights contribute not only to humanization of international law, but also to far-reaching internationalization of human rights. Introduction of these categories (that is humanization of international law and internationalization of human rights) is a novum in current research addressing this subject matter and verification of the hypothesis outlines the scope of ob­servations carried out on the basis of the analytical method and the method of interpretation of applicable law.


adjudicating bodies, international law of human rights, the European Court of Human Rights, humanization of international law, internationalization of human rights

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Ewelina Cała-Wacinkiewicz  ewelina.cala-wacinkiewicz@usz.edu.pl
Uniwersytet Szczeciński https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5439-4653


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