Ks. Marian Stasiak

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The article intends to demonstrate the impact of law on humanization pro­cesses of life in the personal and social dimension.

The law, this universal experience of all people, is created by man and for man: „cum igitur hominum causa omne ius constitutum sit”. The foundation of law is based on the equal and inalienable dignity of the human person. Man uses the law in the effort to realize his humanity and a better future.

The law is also a key regulator of social life, the law consolidates social bonds, strengthens the structures of the state, creates a community of nations.

Humanization of the law is revealed by its liberating function. The law can be the support for the weak, a man does not have to defend his position, his place in society guarantees him the law. Thanks to the law, the weapon’s sound was muted in conflict situations.

Man in search of procedures for organizing life is guided by the idea con­tained in the theorem of Anaximander of Miletus that man desires to be himself, man strives to shape his fate.

The law strives for justice and wants to give everyone its due. The law does not identify with morality – but this cannot be considered as right what is evil from a moral point of view.

The law refers to the truth, although it does not decree the truth, but the law based on lies would be the destruction of the law itself.

In a democratic state, what is the law is up for the decision the majority of cit­izens. Most voices do not rule in accordance with the truth, they do not determine what is good and what is ethically wrong. The majority’s decision is what is legal.

The democracy system is based on the principles of freedom and equality of all citizens. Thanks to these principles, the opinions of those who are in the mi­nority are respected.

Creating the law is the art of “ars legesferendi”. The law is not a reflection of society, the law does not say how it is, but how it should be; hence the “lex res­picit futura”.

The law counts on the chance of human transformation and building a world with a more human image.

A lawyer’s mission can be compared to vocation of a doctor. The doctor stands over the patient to treat him and not deal with writing prescriptions, al­though the treatment process is done by writing prescriptions. The comparison with the role of the doctor emphasizes this idea: the doctor writes a prescription, but it is not the prescription that heals, but the drug. Similarly, in a legal norm, it is not about the letter, the spirit of the law. The Scriptures say that the letter kills and the spirit gives life. Hence we are talking about the spirit of the law.


humanization process, human dignity, equal and inalienable dignity of the person, liberating function of law, democratic system, principles of freedom and equality, social life regulator, writing prescriptions, a more just world

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Ks. Marian Stasiak 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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