The Extra-Legal Axiology of General Clauses Regulated in Polish Tax Law

Monika Münnich

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The aim of this article is to present non-legal criteria belonging to the area of extra-legal axiology, which refer to the course of interpretation of general clauses regulated in tax law. The legitimacy of undertaking the type of research results from the fact that for several years the legislator has more and more often encoded general clauses of various constructional terms in various types of tax and legal norms. Unfortunately, both the reasons for the legislator’s use of these legal categories, which are typical for private law, and the very con­tent of such fuzzy returns regulated in tax law, are not always rationally justified in a convincing manner. A con­sequence of this phenomenon are difficulties related to the specification of the appropriate values and non-le­gal standards in specific facts. The article shows that the various types of general clauses regulated in tax law, regardless of their types, oscillate around the protection of two general different goods: public and individual.



general clause, taxes, taxpayer, interpretation, axiological system

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Münnich, M. (2021). Aksjologia zewnętrzna klauzul generalnych obowiązujących w polskim prawie podatkowym. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 153–168.

Monika Münnich
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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