Family formation as a “turning point” in research of life path criminology. Selected problems

Monika Kotowska

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn , Poland


It ought to be noted that turning point, one of the main ideas in the life course theory, is at present not studied sufficiently in the domain of life course criminology. A turning point frequently entails a specific event, experience or awareness leading to changes towards a pathway or uninterrupted route over the course of a long period of time. Desistance from crime is a complex process. This article includes: (1) a description of the main features of literature relevant to the concept of turning points from the perspective of life course and developmental criminology, in particular starting a family (2) surveys literature concerning turning points, in particular the role of women in inhibiting the criminal activities of their men (3) takes into account methodological discussions and proposes fields for subsequent studies of turning points.


criminality in men, life partners of offenders, family environment of offenders, marriage, turnings points, restrain from criminal activity, life path criminology

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Monika Kotowska
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


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