Internal law of housing communities – concept and principles

Dominik Tyrawa

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The issue of the internal law of housing communities has not been dealt with comprehensively in the literature of the subject so far. This issue is extremely important given that there are nearly five million entities without legal personality in our country. The internal law of housing communities is a concretization of statutory solutions, but most importantly, the system each time reflects the specificity of the operation of each housing community separately. These are especially resolutions passed by the community, but other sources specific to this system should also be kept in mind. This issue is complemented by general principles, the distinction of which is extremely important, because it completes the complex issue of resolutions by the housing community. This study is based on the latest views of doctrine and judicial decisions.


housing community, the internal law of housing communities, resolutions, general principles

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Dominik Tyrawa
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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