The premise of no fault in failing to file a petition in bankruptcy of the company in due time in the context of the adequacy test – gloss to the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 26 May 2017, I FSK 1660/15

Jarosław Olesiak

Univeristy of Łódź , Poland


The gloss refers to the issues of the scope of application of the provisions that a management board member is not liable for failing to file a bankruptcy petition on time in the context of his liability for the company’s tax arrears. Under Article 116 §1 (1) (b) of the Tax Ordinance, the premise excluding liability of the management board members is limited in the jurisprudence only to those cases in which a management board member did not submit an application at all. Meanwhile, in the light of the results of the literal interpretation and of the teleological interpretation, depriving a management board member of the possibility of invoking no guilt even when the application was submitted after the expiry of the proper period must raise objections. Adopting such a narrow approach poses a threat to the safety of trading and may result in consequences that are not noticed in the commented judgment.



liability of a member of the management board, failure to file the petition in bankruptcy without fault, release from liability, delayed petition in bankruptcy

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Jarosław Olesiak
Univeristy of Łódź


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