Civil proceedings as a subject of Law and Economics – selected issues, opportunities and problems arising from applying economic analysis of law

Marcin Kopacki

University of Wrocław , Poland


There have always been links between the law and economics, however, research on the effectiveness of law itself has been conducted only recently. The school of Law and Economics did not emerge until 1960s to examine law in terms of economic efficiency. According to R. Cooter and T. Ulen’s concept, the purpose of court proceedings is to reduce social costs. The assumption of such intention makes it possible to look at civil proceedings from a different perspective and to assess legal institutions differently. The method of Law and Economics can be used to examine both legal and non contentious proceedings. The study of law using Law and Economics analysis does not lead to contradictory conclusions but to a complementary and actual depiction of the law in force. At the same time, the Law and Economics allows directions to be defined in the pursuit of better law. The inclusion of ADR methods should be an indispensable part of the Law and Economics analysis of civil proceedings. That method, however, is not a simple one and it requires appropriate mathematical skills; their absence would distort the image of law.


economic efficiency, Law and Economics, civil procedure

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Załącznik do Uchwały nr 68/2011 Senatu Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego z dnia 22 czerwca 2011 r. ‒ Kodeks wskazań etycznych.


Kopacki, M. . (2023). Postępowanie cywilne jako przedmiot badania ekonomicznej analizy prawa – zagadnienia wybrane, możliwości i problemy wynikające ze stosowania ekonomicznej analizy prawa. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 181–193.

Marcin Kopacki
University of Wrocław


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