Special use of weapons. The selected legal aspects


The increasing number of terrorist acts has necessitated the introduction of novel legal solutions allowing for the efficient protection of the state. The following paper focuses on the legal premises of the ap­plication of firearms by the police and other services, with particular attention to the so-called precision shot: an instrument introduced by the counter-terrorist measures act of 2 July 2016. Keeping in mind that the afore­mentioned solution inevitably collides with a whole range of personal rights and freedom, the author conducts an analysis of the legal mechanisms underlying the depenalisation of such measures, with particular attention paid to the countertype of a prohibited action within the legal bounds of service rights and duties, as well as forced defence. The article also refers to the standard of protection of human rights with the forced use of fire­arms viewed from the perspective of article 2 of the European Code of Human Rights defining the right to live, as clarified by the Strasburg jury. Finally, the paper discusses a range of practical situations where the special application of firearms may be necessary.



terrorist, the application of firearms, the counter-terrorist measures act, legal mechanisms underlying the depenalisation, article 2 of the European Code of Human Rights

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