Unregistered activity as economic activity? Comments on the interface between public and private economic law

Rafał Radek Wasilewski

University of Szczecin , Poland


On the basis of public economic law, the legislator created a specific type of activity which, although the object is identical with economic activity, does not expressly constitute such activity. This specific type of activity regulated in Art. 5 sec. 1 on the rights of entrepreneurs is defined as unregistered activity. While the status of this activity under public economic law should be considered unambiguous, the perception of such human activity through the prism of the legal regulation of civil law (primarily the Civil Code) is problematic. The analysis of both of the aforementioned acts in the context of the principles of drafting the texts of a legal act, as well as the context of systemic interpretation, leads to the conclusion that unregistered activity should be regarded under private economic law as economic or professional activity. The above proves that there is a disharmony between public and private economic law.


unregistered activity, economic activity, commercial law, enterpreneurs law, civil code

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Rafał Radek Wasilewski  radek.wasilewski@usz.edu.pl
University of Szczecin https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1004-8975


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