Gloss to the resolution of the Supreme Court of the of 23rd October 2019, III CZP 23/19


It may raise some doubts whether a person entitled to a legitimate portion within the meaning of art.991 § 1 Civil Code, is the bequeather’s grandchild as a further descendant, when confirmation of inheritance acquisition was based on the last will and testament and the bequeather’s child as a statutory heir rejected the inheritance under the Act and had not been appointed to inherit under that last will and testament. In the gloss to the resolution of the Supreme Court of 23rd October 2019, III CZP 23/19, the author accepted the view that a remote descendant of bequeather whose ascendant (bequeather’s child), not appointed to inherit under the bequeather’s last will and testament regarding the entire inheritance, rejected the inheritance, has no right to legitimate portion.


legitimate portion, bequeather, descendant, ascendant, rejecting the inheritance

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