Extraterritorial application of the right to life on the high sea . Commentary to the Views adopted by the Human Rights Committee of 27 January 2021, A.S., D.I., O.I. and G.D. against Italy, Communication No. 3042/2017

Bartosz Pacholski

Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


The subject matter of this commentary, which instigates the Views of the Human Rights Committee of 27 January 2021, is the protection of one of the fundamental human rights – the right to life. The Committee, as an authority appointed to oversee compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, had to decide on the issue of Italy’s responsibility for failing to provide assistance to a boat in distress, even if the area in which the vessel was located was not within the territory of this state and other acts of international law attribute the responsibility for executing the rescue operation to a third country. According to the Committee’s views, which applied extraterritorial approach to the protection of the right to life, whenever states have the opportunity to take action for the protection of human rights they should do everything possible in a given situation to help people in need.


Human Rights Committee, right to life, extraterritoriality, Italy, migration, UN, positive obligations

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Pacholski, B. (2021). Extraterritorial application of the right to life on the high sea . Commentary to the Views adopted by the Human Rights Committee of 27 January 2021, A.S., D.I., O.I. and G.D. against Italy, Communication No. 3042/2017. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 171–182. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.12721

Bartosz Pacholski  bartosz.pacholski@usz.edu.pl
Uniwersytet Szczeciński https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4328-4491


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