Transnational constitutional values and protection of the person in the age of climatic migrations

Pasquale Policastro

University of Szczecin , Spain


The study of climatic migration from a legal perspective ought to take into account both the difficulty and the importance of combining different methods and approaches to the essential needs of the migrants. For this reason, to properly make use of legal institutions, especially in the ambit of international law and its implementation, it would seem to be particularly relevant to understand their intrinsic aims and conditions of application. The analysis of the arguments used by the courts, in particular in relation to the Geneva Convention of 1951, shows difficulties in adapting to issues related to climate change, which took shape in different legal circumstances. Therefore, the paper attempts to verify how, and according to which criteria, different legal instruments may be connected within a pluralistic approach to climate migration, which might respond to current needs.


climate migrations law, legal protection of biosphere, interdisciplinary research in law, transnational constitutional law, international law and constitutional law, comparative jurisprudence

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Policastro, P. (2021). Transnational constitutional values and protection of the person in the age of climatic migrations. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 127–149.

Pasquale Policastro
University of Szczecin


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