Non-parliamentary Forms of Citizens' Participation in Making Political Decisions - Decomposition of Contemporary parliamentarism

Stanisław Sagan

University of Rzeszów , Poland


The aim of the study is to draw attention to new forms of democracy that are decomposing modern parliamentarism. They break the link between the election of representative bodies (parliaments) and general elections. The introduced forms of citizen representation are based on the sampling method. It is a return to the roots of Athenian democracy and the political practice of national sovereignty. These innovative forms include deliberative democracy and participatory democracy. The most famous form of deliberative democracy are citizens' assemblies. The aim of citizens' assemblies is to develop a consensus and restore confidence in the non-party way of making political decisions. They try to solve important social and political problems. In Ireland, they led to a constitutional amendment. It was not only the media success of this new form of citizen representation.

     The use of the latest information and communication technologies is also reflected in contemporary parliamentarism. They contribute to the accumulation of information in the hands of the government. This increases its informal position. Against this background, the concepts of media democracy and smartphone democracy appear. These new phenomena also contribute to the decomposition of the parliamentarism of our time.



parliamentarism, deliberative democracy, participatory democracy, media democracy, smartphone democracy

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Stanisław Sagan
University of Rzeszów


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