Public Administration as a Legal Occurrence

Stanisław Wrzosek

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The aim of the article is to present the position of public administration in the structure of the modern state and the science of administration among other scientific disciplines. The research subject of the article is public administration presented – in accordance with the assumptions of the science of administration – as an organization that constitutes a particular system. Administration understood in this way is deemed as a legal phenomenon. The essence of administration, regardless of the changes taking place in the state, is based on the principle of legality. This means that its structure and forms of action are strictly regulated by the law. The system of public administration is impacted by various elements of the external environment. Moreover, the internal environment of the administration is also very diverse. The article implies that public administration, despite being an object of interest of various scientific disciplines, is primarily an object of research within the law. The first basic conclusion drawn from the article is to indicate that, due to administration’s connection to the law and the requirement to use only those forms of action that are prescribed by the law, the primary discipline within which we shall analyze the rules of the functioning of administration is the law. On this basis, a second conclusion is presented that the science of administration should be regarded as a subdiscipline of the law. In addition, administration is a scientific subdiscipline that, using achievements in the field of extralegal scientific disciplines, will analyze the effectiveness and expediency of the administration's action, however based on the boundaries set by law.


Public administration, legal occurrence, rule of law, legal sciences, law, science of administration, administrative environment

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Wrzosek, S. (2022). Administracja publiczna jako zjawisko prawne. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 305–316.

Stanisław Wrzosek
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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