International and Domestic Aspects of the Taxation of Maritime Crew members' Income. Key ControversiesInternational and domestic aspects of the taxation of maritime crew members' income. Key controversies

Beata Kucia-Guściora

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The subject of the study is an exegesis of national and international regulations and case law, the aim of which is to highlight the multifaceted interpretation problems arising in practice that are related to taxation of crew members of sea-going vessels. The author analyses the conditions of the principles of taxation of seafarers and tax preferences applied to them. The subject matter of the article allows to formulate a thesis that the rules of taxation, including the use of tax reliefs and exemptions, in relation to the crew members of sea-going ships depend on a number of factors, which in practice leads to a significant differentiation of their legal and tax situation.


personal income tax, tax abolition relief, seafarers’ taxation, double taxation treaties (double-taxation agreement)

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Beata Kucia-Guściora
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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