The right to Continue Business Activity under the Austrian Business Act

Paweł Widerski

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The present article discusses the problem of the right to continue business activity that is regulated in Austrian law. According to the legal definition it is the right to continue the conducting of business activity based on another person’s business license. The right to continue business activity arises in addition to the business license of the owner of the enterprise and provides an independent legal basis for conducting business activity. Generally, it operateto support the business after the death of the entrepreneur, but may also have the purpose of compulsory selling the enterprise to satisfy creditors. However, the right to continue business activity cannot be introduced in Polish law, mainly because in Polish law acquisition of inheritance by the heirs takes place ipso iure at the time of the testator’s death.


succession, business activity, right to continue business activity, succession management

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Paweł Widerski
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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