The significance of blessed Mamerto Esquiú for the constitutionalism of Argentina

Wiesław Bar

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


Besides a brief, but necessary, biographical sketch of the new Blessed of the Catholic Church, Mamerto Esquiú, the author’s attention is focused on 9th of July 1853, an event of accepting the Constitution of Argentina in the provinces. That date was of great importance for the emerging federation as a constitutional republic, but has also influenced the destiny of the Franciscan Fr. Mamerto of Catamarca. In the last part of the article an attempt was made to answer the question what might be the value of his beatification, not only for the religious community, but also for the civil society. Consequently, it was concluded that it would awaken attitudes of service to the common good by recalling the possibility of contribution that believers can make to the common temporal good of their countries and to the national unity, any finally, by teaching social responsibility, remembering the political and legal value of the Constitution.


Mamerto Esquiú, beatification, the Argentine Republic, Constitution of 1853, common good

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Bar, W. (2022). Znaczenie bł. Mamerta Esquiú dla konstytucjonalizmu Argentyny. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 75–89.

Wiesław Bar
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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