Protective function of labour law and penalisation of workers’ rights violations

Michał Matuszak

Uniwersytet Warszawski , Poland


The protective function of labour law is crucial and almost formative to the existence of the employ­ment relationship. In order to effectively impose obligations on employers, the legislator introduced sanctions – both misdemeanour and criminal. The article answers the question whether the catalogue of offences against the rights of gainfully employed persons ensures the execution of the protective function of labour law and whether it has a – direct or indirect – positive or negative impact on employers’ compliance with their obligations towards their employees and other gainfully employed persons. The introduction of criminal sanctions in labour law has a protective function, but the same function is also performed by those provisions which consist in the preventive minimisation of the occurrence of potential workplace conflicts, as conflict avoidance often protects an employee better than even severe post-conflict sanctions.


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Matuszak, M. (2023). Funkcja ochronna prawa pracy a penalizacja naruszeń praw pracowników. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 99–112.

Michał Matuszak
Uniwersytet Warszawski


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