Laws of nature in environmental protection and strengthening ecological security

Samanta Kowalska

The President Stanislaw Wojciechowski Calisia University , Poland


The laws of nature are an innovative legal concept that influences the reformulation of the current method of protecting the natural environment. It will be shown in the considerations that the basic assumption of the laws of nature means shifting of the reference point from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism. The laws of nature will be treated as signposts for shaping a new environmental ethic to build environmental security. As a result, they may become a legal principle supporting the process of neutralising the utilitarian and ob­ject-oriented understanding of the environment based on existing legal norms. The conducted research will make it possible to assess the usefulness and relevance of the laws of nature in strengthening environmental security. The laws of nature are creating a new paradigm of environmental protection. To justify the research hypotheses, a comparative method of international law acts with legal documents from different parts of the world was used. An analysis of the relationship between nature and the human world completes the consid­eration.


laws of nature, environmental protection, international law, ecological safety, environmental ethics

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Samanta Kowalska
The President Stanislaw Wojciechowski Calisia University


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