Specificities of inheritance rights of minors in European Union countries – a comparative legal analysis

Tetyana Kurylo

University of Szczecin , Poland

Anna Barankevych

Lviv State University of Internal Affairs , Ukraine


This study aims to compare the inheritance law norms of the European Union countries in the area of inheritance rights of minors and present the authors’ own vision of the possibility of implementing certain legal norms in the national legislation of Ukraine. This comparative analysis will allow us to distinguish the legal constructs that can be applied in Ukrainian legislation to ensure the protection of the interests of minor heirs. This article analyses the legislation of the European Union countries, which specifies the legal status of minors as heirs and identifies the legal institutions and legal constructs that should be introduced into the national legislation of Ukraine to ensure the protection of the inheritance rights of minors.


inheritance, heirs, minor heirs, mandatory participation in the heir’s property

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Kurylo, T., & Barankevych, A. (2023). Особливості спадкування неповнолітніми особами в країнах Європейського союзу – порівняльно-правовий аналіз. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 97–110. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.14445

Anna Barankevych 
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6520-9062


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