Beer advertisement as a manifestation of unequal treatment of entrepreneurs

Weronika Woźna-Burdziak

University of Szczecin , Poland


The following article addresses the advertisement of alcoholic beverages, and does so by taking a different approach to the doctrine. Its main aim is to answer the question of whether legal regulations on the advertising of alcoholic beverages are a manifestation of unequal treatment of entrepreneurs involved in the production of spirits. The paper employs a dogmatic-legal method. In order to achieve the stated objective, it was necessary to discuss the definition of the concept of alcoholic beverages and then to carry out a legal analysis of the restrictions and prohibitions introduced into the Polish legal order by the Act on upbringing in sobriety and counteracting alcoholism, in particular in relation to beer advertising, with the simultaneous use of doctrine and case-law. The examined prohibitions and restrictions were subsequently presented against the background of the principle of equality before the law and the constitutional ban on discrimination. As a result of the conducted research, the view that beer advertising may be a manifestation of unequal treatment of entrepreneurs conducting economic activity in the production of spirits other than beer was defended. By al­lowing only beer to be advertised, entrepreneurs producing other alcoholic beverages are at a competitive disadvantage compared to beermakers.


Advertising, alcoholic beverages, beer advertising, advertising of alcoholic beverages, entrepreneur

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Weronika Woźna-Burdziak
University of Szczecin


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