Dogs in public space - the role of municipal authorities in ensuring the protection of animals and the safety of people

Maria Januszczyk

University of Warsaw , Poland


The purpose of the article is to present the key role of municipal councils in regulating the rules of coexistence of people and animals in public space. The author of the study analyses the power granted by the legislator to local legislative bodies, which is implemented by imposing specific obligations on dog guardians to ensure protection against threats or nuisance from the animals and to prevent pet waste-based pollution in the areas intended for common use. The goal of the considerations is to demonstrate the need for municipal councils to take into account the basic directives and principles of the humane protection of animals, according to which the needs of animals must be considered, when designing regulations to apply in the context of the rules for the maintenance of cleanliness and order in the municipality.


animal protection, dogs in public spac, regulations for the maintenance of cleanliness and order in the municipality, mandatory use of leashes and muzzles

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Maria Januszczyk
University of Warsaw


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