Constitutional freedom of movement in the era of the pandemic

Karol Orzeszak

Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz , Poland


The coronavirus pandemic has introduced uncertainty into many aspects of life around the world. Growing concerns about public health and the functioning of global economies have forced many countries to significantly restrict personal rights and freedoms. This has resulted in doubts about the legality of such measu­res and a threat to the legal order. In Poland, the government has decided to introduce a number of orders and bans, including a ban on movement. The article presents the reasons why the ban on movement introduced in connection with the pandemic should be considered unconstitutional.



freedom of movement, personal freedoms, freedom of conscience, principle of proportionality, state of emergency

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Karol Orzeszak
Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz


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