The law on the special status of the citizens of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine – a comparison of Polish and Ukrainian provisions on the special rights of citizens of the two countries

Veronika Diachenko

University of Gdańsk , Poland


The subject of this study is the analysis and comparison of the Ukrainian Law of 28 July 2022 on the establishment of additional legal and social guarantees for citizens of the Republic of Poland residing on the territory of Ukraine with the Polish law of 12 March 2022 on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of that country. The author used the dogmatic-legal and the compar­ative law methods and analysed the key issues of both normative acts in order to answer the main research question: what, in fact, is the justified difference in the shape of the provisions and the comprehensiveness of the regulation of these two laws and what practical application the Ukrainian law may have for the citizens of the Republic of Poland. Particular attention was paid to the dissimilarities present in the Ukrainian law and solutions that are atypical for Polish law. It was also pointed out that the differences in the analysed laws are largely due to the purposes and circumstances of the creation of both legal acts.


special rights for Polish citizens, Polish special act, war in Ukraine, temporary protection, Ukrainian law, comparative law

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