The circumventing of the law in public economic law – on the verge of a conflict between private law and public law values

Oskar Bodanka

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


This article aims to discuss the functioning of circumvention in public economic law. The present research attempts to present the possible limit of qualifying complex (combined) actions by entrepreneurs in public law as a circumvention of the law. The article uses the linguistic and logical method by analysing the pro­visions of the acts, their systematisation, combination and determination of the proper meaning of legal norms. The research results were as follows: there is a range of activities not provided for but also not prohibited by law; these are subject to consumption by lawful activity and the circumvention of the law is purely factual in this as­pect. In public law, circumvention can also be done with conceivable intent, and as such, entrepreneurs making complex (combined actions in law) always risk exceeding the limits of circumventing the law.


circumventing the law in good faith, purposefully circumventing the law, ircumventing the law in public economic law, limit of legally permissible acts

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Bodanka, O. (2023). Obejście prawa w publicznym prawie gospodarczym – na granicy konfliktu wartości prawa prywatnego i publicznego. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 185–199.

Oskar Bodanka
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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