European Parliament’s response to the war in Ukraine

Ilona Grądzka

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The military incursion by the Russian military, with the partial occupation of sovereign Ukrainian territory, is an unprecedented event on a global scale. The civilian casualties, the disregard for the need to cre­ate humanitarian corridors for the population fleeing the areas occupied by the enemy military, or the forced displacement could be treated like a war movie scenario. However, as of 24 February 2022, such events have become a reality and require strong condemnation from the world.

This article aims to interpret the resolutions issued by the European Parliament since Russia’s military aggres­sion against Ukraine and their impact on the actions of the EU institutions. The exegesis presented here focuses on the most important issues raised by the Parliament in its resolutions. This article is a legal analysis using the dogmatic-legal method. Resolutions, as non-binding acts, represent so-called soft law issued in situations re­quiring ad hoc action or reaction by the EU institutions. Through its resolutions, Parliament seeks to draw the attention of Member States and the international community to the economic and humanitarian consequences of war. In almost all its resolutions, Parliament condemns Russia’s actions, points out human rights violations and emphasises its solidarity with the Ukrainian people.


war, Ukraine, human rights, resolutions, European Parliament

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Grądzka, I. (2024). Stanowisko UE wobec agresji Rosji przeciw Ukrainie. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 67–80.

Ilona Grądzka
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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