Assessment the effectiveness of international legal instruments in interpreting and developing the definition of genocide

Evghenia Gugulan

Academy „Stefan cel Mare” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova , Moldova, Republic of

Ion Slisarenco

Academy „Stefan cel Mare” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova , Moldova, Republic of


The issues of the most serious national and international crimes committed in human history and the political and legal measures taken by states to prevent their commission, as well as the question of the jus­tice system responsible for these acts have been discussed by countless authors. However, there has been no attempt to present a set of interdependent elements that make it possible to organise this topic.

The validity of the proposed research is based on the opinion that has been formulated after reviewing ex­tensive documentation and supported by research already conducted, that the crime of genocide is usually committed by the ruling elite against the ruled, regardless of whether the ruling elite has the support of the majority of a given society. On the other hand, the authors of the article propose to examine the effectiveness of international legal instruments in the interpretation and development of the definition of genocide


international crimes, genocide, war, international instruments, one-tier model of governance

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Gugulan, E., & Slisarenco , I. (2024). Assessment the effectiveness of international legal instruments in interpreting and developing the definition of genocide. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 137–150.

Evghenia Gugulan
Academy „Stefan cel Mare” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova
Ion Slisarenco  
Academy „Stefan cel Mare” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova


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