The validity of R. Lemkin’s notion of genocide in the context of Russia’s war in Ukraine

Dominik Tarczyński

Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament , Poland


The article presents the figure of the outstanding lawyer Rafał Lemkin. It focuses on his work in the Second Polish Republic, on the international forum until 1939, and outside Poland after 1940. Rafał Lemkin is recognised as the author of the concept and the term ‘genocide’ and the main animator of the United Nations Convention of December 9, 1948 on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The text dis­cusses the evolution of the concept of ‘genocide’ taking into account Lemkin’s social sensitivity. Not only does it cover the influence of Rafał Lemkin’s works on the final shape of the definition of genocide but also indicates an analogy between the definition of genocide and the ongoing war in Ukraine, as well as the relevance of his canon to the current times taking into account the threats of new technologies and cultural transformations. Attention was also drawn to his approach to the crime of genocide, which is perceived as controversial in some circles. It was written in response to the need for further exploration of Lemkin’s work and with the view to developing research on new areas that may become “crime of crimes” in the present day.


genocide, Lemkin, international law, Russia, armed conflict

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Dominik Tarczyński
Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament


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