Application of Article 39 of the Civil Code in case of disposal (alienation) of real estate by Church Legal Entities

Krzysztof Grzesiowski

University of Szczecin , Poland


The article analyses the issue of violations of the rules of representation of Church Legal Entities under canon law and their effect on the disposal (alienation) of real estate. The aim of the considerations carried out was to determine the scope of application of the amended Article 39 of the Civil Code to Church Legal Entities. The issue of the disposal of real estate by Church Legal Entities in violation of the rules of representation under the Code of Canon Law has already been the subject of Supreme Court case law and discussion in the doctrine, but most of the contributions were formulated before the amendment of Article 39 of the Civil Code, the amended content of which entered into force on 1 March 2019. Therefore, it was again necessary to consider the consequences of Church Legal Entities acting beyond their authority under the internal law of the Catholic Church. The considerations in the article were conducted using the dogmatic and legal method. The analysis carried out showed that the amended Article 39 of the Civil Code is applicable to Church Legal Entities. Contracts concerning the disposal (alienation) of real estate concluded by Church Legal Entities in the event of a breach of the scope of authority and the manner of representation resulting from canon law will be sanctioned by relative ineffectiveness on the basis of Article 39 of the Civil Code.



canon law, civil law, suspended ineffectiveness of a contract, alienation of real estate, church legal entities

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Krzysztof Grzesiowski
University of Szczecin


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