The legal situation of refugees from Ukraine. Current issues

Jurij Popovič

University of Prešov , Slovakia


Almost two years ago, Europe, and we can say the whole world, was hit by one of the biggest refugee crises triggered by the war in Ukraine. This refugee crisis affected the neighbouring countries most of all, first and foremost Poland, and brought with it many humanitarian, economic and social problems. With the generous help of the neighbouring states and the international community, but especially Poland, it has been possible to manage this crisis. However, over time, the refugee crisis has also brought many questions and problems to the religious sphere. Questions have arisen about the celebration of the holy mystery of baptism and the inclusion of refugees in a particular church or in a church sui iuris, as well as their canonical status and the celebration of the initiation sacraments and marriage. Some of these questions are answered by canon law and the regulations of the various bishops’ conferences, but some also need pastoral wisdom. These faithful are also faced with another problem, namely the great danger of losing their Eastern identity since they mostly live on the territory of the Latin Church. Therefore, there is a great call for the whole Church and the individual Churches sui iuris to help these refugees, first and foremost through the clear observance of the canonical norms and the regulations of the individual episcopal conferences, to preserve the Eastern patrimony, which expresses the richness of Christ’s Church. In view of all these circumstances, the Church should seek and propose solutions to these problems, bearing in mind the canonical principle of Salus animarum suprema lex.


Church, CCEO, CIC, Church affiliation, canonical status, Church sui iuris, Orthodox Church

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Popovič, J. (2024). The legal situation of refugees from Ukraine. Current issues. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 133–148.


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