Roman canonical procedure for the codification of Polish judicial procedure dating back 500 years ago

Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier

Uniwersytet Jagielloński , Poland


In Poland, codifiers began their activities in 1523 by collecting civil procedural law in the Formula processus. Due to its origin in two roots: ancient Roman law and canon law, we refer to the classical ecclesiastical process as Procedural Roman-Canonical law. This procedural law was always characterized by three fundamental distinguishing principles: the dispositive principle, the adversarial principle and the principle of written proceedings. The principles and the appeal, known from the cognitio procedure, helped to shape the codification of Polish civil process, serving the rule of law in Poland of the Jagiellonian Golden Age.


Procedural Roman-Canonical law, Roman cognitio process, civil procedure, Formula processus of 1523, procedural principle, adversarial principle, principle of written proceedings, legal maxims

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Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier
Uniwersytet Jagielloński


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