The dispute about the grounds for the legality of therapeutic intervention from the perspective of German doctrine and judicature

Małgorzata Gałązka

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The German discussion on the grounds of the legality of therapeutic intervention is essentially focused, as in Poland, around the question of whether such an intervention fulfils the statutory elements of a prohibited act. The affirmative answer is provided by the conception referred to as the Rechtfertigungslösung, while the conception called Tatbestandslösung responds negatively to this question. The first of these positions, represented for more than a century by German jurisdiction and part of the doctrine, is based on the assumption that therapeutic intervention violating the integrity of the body fulfils the statutory elements of the criminal act of § 223 1 P.C., regardless of its healing the purpose or effect and compliance with the rules of art by the doctor. The legality of such an intervention requires the existence of a circumstance excluding unlawfulness (Rechtfertigungsgrund), which is the valid consent of the patient. The second of the concepts mentioned above assumes – with some differences in specific issues – that therapeutic intervention resulting from medical indications and carried out lege artis does not fulfil the statutory elements of the crime of bodily harm. Some supporters of Tatbestandslösung make this assessment independent of the consent of the patient, but some require consent, recognizing it as an exclusion of the statutory element of a prohibited act.

The title dispute is to a large extent conditioned by the lack of a separate basis in German law for the criminal protection of the right of the patient to self-determination and seeking it in § 223 P.C. The fundamental subject of the presented discussion is, however, the question of whether to include in the legal assessment the side and unavoidable ailments for the human organism, inevitably occasioned by therapeutic intervention.


criminal law, medical law, therapeutic intervention, legality of therapeutic intervention, justification

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Małgorzata Gałązka 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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