Unifying the Education System in Second Polish Republic

Emilia Czepczyńska

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The aim of the article was presenting unification process of the education system in Poland after regaining independence in 1918. System of education in the territories of particular annexationist and successively adopted legislation aimed at standardizing education in Poland was presented briefly. Undoubtedly, most attention was paid to the Act of 11 March 1932 of the system of education, which adoption was a breakthrough in the development of education in the interwar period. Until 1932 school legislation was made of pre-war acts applicable in a particular area, the laws referring to only a few fields of education, as well as regulations and directives of the Minister of Religious Affairs and Public Education, which were published on an ad hoc basis and only temporarily. Among these, Temporary regulations for elementary schools from 1917, Order of 1919 of education obligation or two acts of 1922 – of establishing and maintaining public elementary schools and of the construction of public elementary schools.


education, public school, private school

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Czepczyńska, E. (2016). Kształtowanie się jednolitego systemu oświaty w II Rzeczypospolitej. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 33–51. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.4880

Emilia Czepczyńska  emilia.czepczynska@kul.pl
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6940-5167


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