Exclusion of a Polish Accreditation Committee member

Jan Dytko

Warsaw International Business School , Poland


Watching over the quality education in Poland is at the heart of Polish Accreditation Committe’s purview of activity. The Committee accounts for the organizational structure of European accrediting institutions. Its activity is independent, and it doesn’t come under any national supervisory body. By assessing the education quality as well as issuing opinions about academic institutions, the committee activity pertains exclusively to this community. Committee decisions have got the incontrovertible character and are anchored in two principles: objectivity and impartiality. Polish Accreditation Committee is not an administrative body, and its activities are not subjected to the Code of Administrative Proceedings. However, for the sake of objectivity and impartiality in the work of the Committee, the Code of Administrative Proceedings should be applied in order to exclude a Committee member. Situations that necessitate such an exclusion are: employment of a Commit tee member at a supervised university, nepotic character of an employment, appointment of a Committee member as an expert – preventing the duality of roles (if performed at the same time as an expert and a member of the Committee), and the need for reshuffling while re-examination of a case related to the Committee assessment. The Committee chairman decides the committee member’s exclusion, but such an action is not an administrative act.


Quality Education System, Polish Accreditation Committee, Code of Civil Procedure, Principle of Impartiality

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Dytko, J. (2016). Wyłączenie członka Polskiej Komisji Akredytacyjnej. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 53–69. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.4881

Jan Dytko  jandytko@wp.pl
Warsaw International Business School https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3937-685X


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