The effectiveness of administrative enforcement between year 2010 and 2014

Piotr Możyłowski

Radom Academy of Economics , Poland


The effectiveness of enforcement is important from the point of view both the state budget revenues and those of local government. Forcing the implementation of tax obligations prevent from unfairness in the rules imposed by the state and acting on behalf of it the public authorities, as well as a lack of conviction about the need to be right with the law. The aim of this study is to present the efficiency of payment of tax and non-tax charges. The author analyzed the collected data and indicated difficulties in the effective enforcement of the charges by the enforcement authorities. In addition the author described “disability” of the enforcement proceedings and moreover the passivity of the creditors. The shown data demonstrate low awareness of creditors about the possible forms of cooperation with law enforcement agencies and the ability to maintain debt what is leading to low efficiency of their use. The conclusions drawn by the author coincide with those resulting from the information audit conducted by the SCC. The contents of the development results of the analysis were in some places enriched by observations made by the author as a former employee of the enforcement authority.


effectiveness of enforcement, administrative proceedings, enforcement proceedings, public liabilities, income taxes

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Piotr Możyłowski 
Radom Academy of Economics


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