Publicznoprawne mechanizmy stymulowania konkurencji w projektach europejskich

Marcin Kępa



The Republic of Poland has been able to absorb external sources of financing of various degrees of destination since the accession of Poland to the European Union (EU). The extra inflow of capital has dynamized the development of markets in Poland, including the public procurement segment. It has become necessary to create and then modify a mechanism of stimulating competition while spending money transfers from the EU budget in response to changes of exogenous and endogenous factors. The aim of the article is to show the genesis, evolution and preliminary assessment of the mechanisms of stimulating competition in European projects. The work consists both theoretical remarks and those related to the practice of functioning of the laws in selected areas of the economy. The subject of the analysis are the beneficiaries of funds from the European Social Fund (mainly the private sector). The object of the analysis are legal and administrative norms, related to making public purchases in frame of European projects.


European project, qualification of expenditure, administratively stimulated competition, general administrative act, public procurement

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Kępa, M. (2019). Publicznoprawne mechanizmy stymulowania konkurencji w projektach europejskich. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 79–104.

Marcin Kępa 


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