Status uczelni i studentów wojskowych w polskim porządku prawnym


The subject of this article are selected issues in the field of military education in the current legal system. The author reviewed the regulations paying particular attention to the competences of the Minister of National Defense in relation to military universities, their nature, characteristics of their bodies as well as legal aspects of the course of the candidate military service. The current law and the legal definitions were taken into account. The relatively short period of validity of the Act of 20 July 2018 The Law on Higher Education and Science regulating the binding rules of functioning of higher education and conducting scientific activities fully justify the need to analyze the relevant provisions. It should be noted that the key postulate for the legislator when introducing further reforms of military education should be to create the best conditions for permanent raising of the level of scientific research and didactics, taking into account the current needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland.


military education, military academy, army, military students

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