Crimen abortionis w rzymskim prawie karnym

Bartosz Zalewski

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej , Poland


The subject of considerations taken in this paper is the issue of criminalization of abortion in roman law. For centuries, abortion - although occasionally criticized by pagan writers - was not considered a crime by the Romans. Situation changed in the third century, when Spetymius Severus and Karakalla issued a rescript, according to which a divorced woman committing an abortion without the consent of her ex-husband should be condemned to exile. A separate sanction implemented on the basis of lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis was prescribed for perpetrators who gave specifics causing abortion to a woman. The purpose of the article is to try to establish the relationship between these crimes by identifying their names.


abortion, roman law, nasciturus

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Bartosz Zalewski 
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej


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