General principles of administrative enforcement proceedings

Piotr Możyłowski

Radom Academy of Ecomics , Poland


The main subject of research in this study were specific rules of enforcement proceedings. These are the principles coming directly from the enforcement law and applicable only in the proceedings receivership. The analysis of the general rules of the enforcement proceedings leads to the conclusion that they are not only the guidelines left without the sanction process. These are the legal standards which violation has certain legal consequences. Their assessment is carried out by the parties and administrative courts with the legal effect the same as a violation of substantive law. In the context of discussing each policy the author tried to describe in a synthetic manner the most important elements with particular emphasis on the legal protection of persons principal.


general principles, functions of rules, enforcement proceedings, protection of principal, rule of law

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Piotr Możyłowski 
Radom Academy of Ecomics


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