Aid for rescuing and restructuring airlines in difficulty – selected legal issues

Ewa Jasiuk

Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa w Radomiu , Poland

Agnieszka Kunert-Diallo

Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT , Poland


The authors of this Article are focusing on aspects regarding state aid for rescuing and restructuring airlines in difficulty. As has been rightly stated by the authors, the EU regulations governing these issues were adopted without any divisions between specific branches of the industry. EU law which mainly governs theses aspects does not effectively protect, from a competition point of view, European airlines against such financial state grants given to airlines outside the EU. Analysis of the existing EU law conducted in this Article shows that the mentioned regulations do not include specific aspects of business models presented by airlines. According to the authors some work should be done on an international level to set up rules of competition regarding financial help for airlines in difficulty as EU regulations are not sufficient to prevent distortion in competition at the international level.


ratowanie i restrukturyzacja, obowiązek użyteczności publicznej, transport lotniczy

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Commission Decision 94/118/EC z 21 grudnia 1993r.

Commission Decision 94/698/EC z 6 lipca 1994 r.

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Commission Decision 94/696/EC z 7 października 1994.

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Jasiuk, E., & Kunert-Diallo, A. (2016). Pomoc na ratowanie i restrukturyzację zagrożonych przedsiębiorstw lotniczych –wybrane zagadnienia prawne. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 51–62.

Ewa Jasiuk 
Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa w Radomiu
Agnieszka Kunert-Diallo 
Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT


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