The Law of Force or the Force of Law – Reminiscing on the 200th Anniversary of the Congress of Vienna 1815

Piotr Łaski

Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


Analysing power and for her applying by you to raise belongs, that her nucleon - it is using the military force which is ultima ratio of contemporary couples in the defence of their territory and the population - with word of their statehood.

And although in the sphere of the international law we are dealing with the ban on for her applying, in practice a relative capacity has it is that ban, what results not that much from the plot of the Charter o the United Nations, what above all from the practice of states. The one whereas in the individual, collective, preventive situation of the self-defence, in the fight against terrorism or in case of humane intervention as allowing situations for her using is appealing to the military force.

Contemporary states with reference to using force are guided by a rule that where it is about business of the state she is before regulations. And this state of affairs didn't change in two hundred past years which passed from the Congress of Vienna 1815. Of him whereas participants were of the opinion then, which in spite of the expiry of two centuries, didn't change, and coming down to the fact that in world altogether his military and economic power is deciding on the position of the state, and only then participation in alliances of servicemen what results from the fact that legal-international regulations referring to using force don't have a deciding influence on taken action with for her using international relations towards other participants.


aggression, humanitarian intervention, UN Charter, reprisals, individual self-defense, terrorism, the use of armed force

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Piotr Łaski 
Uniwersytet Szczeciński


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