The most common abusive clauses in the license agreements for the use of computer programs

Iwona Rauch

Uniwersytet Śląski , Poland


The article entitled „The most common abusive clauses in the license agreements for the use of computer programs” deals with the problem of abusive clauses which are most typical and frequent in contracts, concluded for the use of computer programs. In the beginning, the article describes a notion of computer program. Secondly, it answers the question what a license agreement is. Then, the article explains what the abusive clauses are and how a consumer should be protected from them. Finally, the article points the most characteristic, as well the most common abusive clauses in the license agreements for the use of computer programs. Firstly, the clauses connected with the method of concluding license agreements are described. Then, the article talks over the clauses concerning a spare copy and gathering of data. Following are clauses called CPU (Central Processing Unit), which bind a program with a specific computer. In the end, the article describes the clauses which can make impossible the transfer of a license and jurisdiction clauses.


abusive clauses, computer program, license

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Rauch, I. (2016). Najczęściej spotykane klauzule abuzywne w umowach licencyjnych na korzystanie z programów komputerowych. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 169–190.

Iwona Rauch 
Uniwersytet Śląski


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