Educational and Informative Actions of the President of the Office of Electronic Communications as Contributions to Building Competition in the Sector of Telecommunications

Elżbieta Małecka

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland


The article presents educational and informative actions taken up by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications aimed at increasing the awareness of consumers and developing pro-competition attitudes of telecommunications service provides. The detailed description includes such initiatives as the Programme for Certification of Telecommunications Services, realised in five categories, and the Centre for Consumer Information, including a website and a consumer hotline.


President of the Office of Electronic Communications, telecommunications services

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Małecka, E. (2016). Działania edukacyjno-informacyjne Prezesa Urzędu Komunikacji Elektronicznej jako element budowania konkurencji w sektorze telekomunikacyjnym. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 97–111.

Elżbieta Małecka 
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


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