The rule of the vacancy of the Head of State in the light of art. 57 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany

Grzegorz Pastuszko

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland


The article deals with the issue of the substitution of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its first part involves a short outline of this institution by the time of  Weimar Constitution of 1919. Next, there appears the relevant part of the text, which refers to the contemporary legal rules predicted by the Constitution of 1949. It touches upon three following problems, namely: 1) the legal position of the  deputy President, 2) the so-called obstacles that cause disability of the President in holding his office, 3) the timeframe for playing a role of the substitute by the President of Bundesrat. Describing all these issues, the author formulates a thesis indicating that the present model of the substitution of the president suffers from being regulated not sufficiently detailed which may  trigger serious interpretation troubles in the area of political praxis.


the substitution of the President, a stand-in for the President, the President of the Federeal Republic of Germany, the President of Bundesrat

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Pastuszko, G. (2016). Formuła zastępstwa głowy państwa w świetle art. 57 niemieckiej ustawy zasadniczej. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 113–129.

Grzegorz Pastuszko 
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


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