Stanisław Sagan

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland


The process of adopting a constitution deserves an in-depth legal analysis. It consists of applying specific procedures that resulting in adoption of or granting imposition giving of a constitutions (octroyed) or other act of the political system. The constitutions are not only legal acts, but they constitute an important factor in the statehood and identity of the nation and its values. Nowadays, the passing creation of these most important legal acts takes place through their adoption in parliaments and constituent assemblies; however, the institution of the referendum is more and more often used. Also, octroyed constitutions still occur. Most of the modern constitutions are established in the form of one legal act; however, there are cases of the constitutions, that consists of several constitutional acts. They are not always acts containing norms with the highest legal force.


constitution, constituent assembly, national representation, referendum

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Stanisław Sagan
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


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