Jan Dytko

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach , Poland


Health care accreditation is a process. It takes place in a codified administrative procedure - it takes the form of a specific administrative procedure of an autonomous nature. The application of the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure remains excluded. The accreditation process involves many entities and bodies (accreditation centre, accreditation board, interested natural or legal persons performing therapeutic activities), with the minister in charge of health playing a leading role in this process. This body in the form of an accreditation certificate (not constituting an administrative decision) confirms that a given medical unit meets the criteria stipulated by law - standards for the provision of medical services - in terms of infrastructure, pharmacotherapy and competence. A refusal to grant accreditation may be objected to by an interested entity, and the final refusal, after consideration of the objection, is subject to complaint to the administrative court as an act in the field of public administration, which is not an administrative decision.


accreditation, codification, procedure

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Jan Dytko 
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


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