Services of General Interest as a Part of the European Social Model

Daniel Wacinkiewicz

Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


The current political, economic and social situation in the European Union has highlighted the fundamental role of services of general interest.

Three categories of services are classified as being of general interest and, therefore, subject to specific public service obligations: services of general economic interest (basic services that are carried out in return for payment); non-economic services (such as the police or justice); social services of general interest (based on the principles of solidarity and equal access).

In areas such as childcare or care for the elderly, health care or support to disabled persons, those services provide an essential tool for citizens’ safety. Services of general interest also play a key role in social cohesion.


services of general economic interest, non-economic services, social services of general interest

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Wacinkiewicz, D. (2019). Usługi świadczone w interesie ogólnym jako element europejskiego modelu społecznego. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 255–273.

Daniel Wacinkiewicz 
Uniwersytet Szczeciński


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