Sketches on the Necessity of Studying Contemporary/Class ic Themes of the Basis of Criminology

Miomira Kostić

University of Niš , Serbia


Dealing with criminology, as well as any other social science or scientific disci­pline, implies a clear, precise definition of the object and purpose of theoretical and empirical research as well as application of adequate methodological procedures, in order to arrive at a knowledge of the object under study. On display are some reminders of the development of criminology as an independent science, the basic qualitative and quantitative methodological procedures. As a special segment of the paper, the importance and role in addressing social and human sciences, as well as the differentiation of social and humanistic sciences is emphasized.


social and human sciences, criminology, methodology, researches

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Kostić, M. (2020). Sketches on the Necessity of Studying Contemporary/Class ic Themes of the Basis of Criminology. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 175–192.

Miomira Kostić
University of Niš


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