Administrative driving license retention. The problem of dualism in administrative proceedings and offenses in the context of evidence proceedings

Artur Kuś

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach , Poland


The article aims to establish whether it is possible to issue a decision to retain a driver’s license on the sole basis of information (a police report) disclosing an act of exceeding the speed limit by over 50 km/h while driving in a built up area, when in the given case, no parallel court proceedings regarding this offence were initiated on account of a “caution” issued to the driver by a policeman. The above-mentioned situation results in the inability to carry out the evidence proceedings. This is caused by the fact that in an administrative proceeding (taking the Supreme Administrative Court resolution into consideration) such an inquiry is not conducted and a court proceeding based on this offence will not be initiated (due to the “caution” given to the driver). The consequence of this factual and legal state (so-called “legislative omission”) is that a party is deprived of the real right to a fair trial and the possibility of engaging in any kind of evidence proceedings, which cannot be deemed equivalent to constitutional standards and standards stemming from international law.


administrative retention of driving license, evidence proceedings, right to a court, objectivity of administrative proceedings

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Artur Kuś
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


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